Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Grata e treden osteochondrosis dystrophic promeni the intervertebrale of the discove, in the Brachot.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Negativnoe vliianie vlie are not by yourself, for the discove himself, tuku, isto Taka, prtlen, ' rovinata, and the Meca wild. Glavnata karakteristika the cervical ' RBE e factot CHILDREN negovata prsley no, the Nashorn is a structure in the sporedba other sektori, in the government of this oblast that is a lot of ranlife. Prsente tuka, the naoa in the blizina of Edna with my friends, and Yes, arteritis, which nosed Mota coleccion mozok.

If there is a Zapatrina at the prsente, monosta of the compresia the nervnie vlakna, and the arteries, in the inevitable singing of the theme to take Odie to the astanova of the hernia pomeo diselenide, and izdadeno, or promeni structurata of " ratiot drive.

In an e-mail It?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical ' rbet (Osteohondroz) is the degenerative-dystrophic lesie of the intervertebrale to discove that samite CE Osteen to the discove, purslane, and slobovia on gloto of matkat, mamalove visinata of the intervertebrale of the discove. Bolesta napadova, dokolku, not all lekova and Mauger To be taken glavobolja, circulatory problems, daddy dope and a hernia. As a disease, bolest CE AVEVA parade Narusova in Mineralni metabolismo, with all the predizvicite koskie, and slobovia mill pomalku on the field.

Osteochondrosis Mauger To predizvici nestabilnost in the cervical ' rbet (simptomi, and tretman CE slicni of the chondrosis, but imaat Golem bro on the caracteristics), with an honor pridruzene the Zapatrina at the prsente. In return, They let you subrtova Rasool degenerative disc bolest, unistuse of " ratiot have Addel.

The stage

Dezernat Lekar treba da se utvrdi Stepinac on razve on gloto degenerative disc bolest VRZ Osnova in the medizinskaja Historia, and sprovedena of the pregled the pacientu. Xie razlichat just cetiri level:

  1. The PDF is exponential. Bolesta e, in the belly button, patientt a small unit in the vretot that the mogat Be bidat ointensive if it be passed pocnuva the curti of the hlavata.
  2. The second stepno. Pacientu Mauger May is reaped at the very intenzivno of the units at the Groto of the ' rbatt, which mogat To the beat of the lokaliseren in gornate the extremitati. Klinicka fat bocaiuva soundboard at this stage, razva of the bolesta e-mail zabelezena Edna because of the nervni vlakna predizvicite intenzivno Bolek. That e isto Taka, Istana glavobolja, slabost, and Opsti malaise.
  3. Tretiot unit. Bolkata stanova of the recisi postoina, traci, isto Taka, at ramoto, or cancer. Some of the pazienti diagnostician hernias of the intervertebrale of the diskovi in the dovedova to Hubei to chuvstvuu the gornice the extremitati. In tekat medicinskih pregled se Savelieva mamalove mobilnosti in the grato, and bolkata on palpation.
  4. Cetvrti unit. At this stage, bolesta of the intervertebrale of the discove CE recisi celosno the unisteri. The nesimato place tamu e-mail surse wild in the water to Vlasova on the sostoyat of the pacientu. To pocnuva To chuvstvuu Bolek, sumot hlavata and siromasna orientacia in a prostoru. The egg okagawa of It As arteria e-mail has stagnated, Koa do you sprecava prirodata the IOC to mozokot.

The symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease

Simptomi degenerative disc sabolova on gloto of Matmata

It is important to simptomi degenerative disc sabolova on gloto of the Matmata and the ASPIRATION ortografico, glavobolja, asterisci of the pritisok skokovi.

Diagnosis of the bolesta at Tesco, ponekogas Bolek is not hochladen, and simptomele all of the izbrisani caracter, bank on It, controleren use of the silni of an analgetic, this cover znaci to bolest. Pacientu not Mauger Yes chuvstvovat Bolek, CE chuvstvuu together, and the egg prodolzhala to the raswa for povratni Procesi in the diwata of slobovia to the Brachot.

Glavobolja in the grato osteochondrosis

The egg an Eden of nacestid in the nespecificski of znati in a lot of bolesti. Glavobolja this is especially prevladava AJ gencata populatia. Tesco's se utvrdi priciate for glavobolja and Shora on It, with friends, with lesie on ' the betot. Postout 14 razlichni the reason for the glavobolja AJ lueta.

Nacestid the reason for the paava a glavobolja with opisani patologia:

  1. Grceva of the monocyte sadovi;
  2. Edna And ideas koreni;
  3. And the reflex zgolemuvanje of intracranial the pritisok.

Glavobolja in the grato osteochondrosis Mauger Yes se podsetimo the senzatia when hipertensia, angina, or monocan a shot. In particular, in the middle of the age, and the posterite, imat tendencia To imaat rizik od razva to kick or punch srcew.

Chuvstvuu Bolek Mauger To the sink paroxysmal, postoina, macna, and sodeva.

When sravi bolesti bolnice CE Galat the nepriatnost to gradate, pridruzujem on the RHS Narusova of the srceto. All identifikovat predizvici himself on the ground, is the kvalifikovan drugs. In the slouch of the glavobolja in combinatia with hadee, ortografico, and Bolek will gradite, putting Sigourney in the EKG.

Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis

Ortografico with a grata of osteochondrosis

In this sostoa is no sekogas asno bocaiuva degenerative disc sabolova of the cervical ' rbet.

Ortografico, The sink may be result in the following:

  1. A bit of a slednoto or vnatresno SVR;
  2. Grceva of the monocyte sadovi;
  3. Damage the migration to nervnie of the part;
  4. Problems with the vestibular aparati;
  5. Bolesti a kardiovaskularnih systems.

Don't postout acne criterium ortografico osteochondrosis. Sepak, postout sistemski and non-sistemski ortografico, tie imaat znachitelnie razliki.

Preparative e-mail Yes, I razlicite pomeo sistemski and non-sistemski ortografico, singing the theme to the ova YOU help, and that utvrdi the reason for the neobychen Dravi:

  1. Systems ortografico e chuvstvuu at the roundabout digee of the acolyte obekti or the body of the e posledica a Narusova of the vestibular aparati, vizuelna analizatory and the receptor in slobovia, Musculine, and the epidermis (the small units of the hrbot of the razlichni etiologies);
  2. The non-sistemski ortografico e a feeling of faintness, feeling sobrepasan, Sigourney, for statusit in the vertikalna poliba. Kouga non-sistemski ortografico, and a sense of kruzni rotala CE make for a isceznuti, and the egg is a snachala razlika, in the sporedba of znati.

Lue, who chuvstvovat ortografico Eden od navedene Vidovi, take to the sink pregledano on the ground in a skilful physician, a neurologist, or prvenstveno (if you are waiting for Solneve for sabolova on the SVR, and Glo) to an otolaryngologist.

Priciate for itna hospitalizatio no se povrzani with degenerative disc sabolova of the cervical ' rbet, e identificatio on pacientu (even if you are ortografico) taqui of znati as:

  1. Facially paralyze, and the vacanies of the Ramo Poas;
  2. Teshka glavobolja in pasadenaca on Vlasova on it in the loeto;
  3. To the detriment of the koordinacia of the digea;
  4. Gobee or Sumire at the svesta.

The jumps in blood pressure in cervical osteochondrosis

Krunic of pritisok with a grata of osteochondrosis

Odnosot of the gloto degenerative disk blest with nepravilni Krunic in the pritisok e wee in the gospostina. Grata in Matmata Presley CE Vani nervnie of sarshatali and crudite sadovi.

Caracteristica pritiskat all the menova in tikot at the denot. Hipertensia for a long time, the karakteristicne of this bolest. The reflex aritzia in the nervnie of sarshatali and kratkorocnih of the spasmi of the cronite sadovi predizvicite apparent diurnal dinamicita of the asterisci hipertensia.

And karakteristicne crta of Goleman in the pritisok in the grato osteochondrosis of the e combinatia the Ledneva simptomi:

  • Glavobolja;
  • Bolek in extremitatea, and gradite;
  • Namalowane chuvstvitelnosti on a promeni to vretot oblast;
  • Paawat pritisak vrwave to stress, napetost in a Musculine addition, the Presto in the necoa niezgodna poloma and other slicni the situation.

These caracteristics Mora da bidat semeni in the predvid in the self-diferenziale the hipertensia the razlichni Bitie.

Sheila PACOLET, and Broto Vlasova to human health that is Based on the requested'ah Ithna medical care.

A syndrome of osteochondrosis

Clinicgate fat for grato degenerative disc bolest all the uclouvain, in the nekolku syndrome. Syndrome of the egg is the bovee simptomi that the CE poebyvat zaedno.

Nisko, in the hrbot CE p the Ledneva syndrome:

  1. 'Reten. That e isto Taka se narikawa 'rbeen in okagawa of It As is the vklucheno in patokoski, the process of the koska, and the' skavica. The egg VOD content formiae on the aqui simptomi: ogranicava the motornet the activity of the vretot, baulk when all Nefedova, radiographic promeni in Licata in the cervical ' rbet. They e at the same time, before the look of these on the znati e ' reten syndrome. Easily, in comparison with a set of clinicgate on the znati CE Subeliani in myositis (patologia of the musicalnote tkivo) and bolney degee, pridruzeni and many other diseases.
  2. A syndrome of ' rbeen arteria. CE paavola, when klucove of the vasculary snopova that the CE odgovorni to the Protocol of the EOC to the diwata of the centralnic nervous system. Simptomele pokazyvaet CHILDREN mosogno Divo prostenal To dobiat Sooden kolicina on the hronline an issue. How to se priznaje a new syndrome? Prvite of znati CE ortografico, a sense of the buchwa in the usite at promenite in a crunit in the pritisok, paawat in the "savedata" before the eyes. The egg of a sugerir CHILDREN, e Edna od ' rbeen arteritis e stavlennia sostoya. Seko's garden of ima's own nervy in the zavrsiti. If you are pritiske for those able to, which Innervate the ' retin arteria singing the theme to the se paavi glavobolja, vacanies, privremenu Hubei vidot of ednita country. The Kroot, vasculary promeni bring it to the factot soundboard mozokot consumer of oxygen. At That time, one of the CE chuvstvuu popinot, acute Narusova of the svesta, to go to ruin focuset, and control of, an polosa's work, and this is seawa information. With Taqwa, klinicka Must slick To sink demarcated by gloto degenerative disk blest with atherosclerosis of the ' retin arteritis, and compresia of colorskate, or an inflammatory disease.
  3. Srava syndrome. ViDi Goree, to gradate with the dyspnea. Dovecot sfaka negovite honor palpitations, stanova umorni, and nervozni. The new model, the e-mail caracteristicas for bolesti the srceto for example angina, coronary syndrome, a srcew to get a shot. Tochnit Sanlucar, for the reason of taquile simptomi Mauger Yes se put in the CE pacientu podlogowe on the ECG.
  4. Radicular syndrome. Grata in Matmata innervates the 8 pairs in the Nervi, of which the secoa there is koreni space nervni have izlez od ' betot. Nivnata vklucheno in osteochondrosis, patientt a namelen chuvstvitelnost, or to return to their units. Mauger Yes se daiwee vacanies tilot, if negovata Bolek, namelen sensatia at Ascot, ass usato, Bolek, in the supraclavicular region. Ponekogas postout galtee Narusova, what a gornice the extremitati, vacanies, unfortunately.

Prva using it at home, in the time to exacerbation osteochondrosis

If the silna Bolek Mauger Yes se koristi painkillers, the shto Analgin, Tempalgin, or Baralgin. If the Pohorje medicine line is not donese Olesova, Mauger Yes se zeme Float (Nise, or Diclofenac).

Honor CE koristi "diversionary" means, for example, the Piperki gypsum soundboard, not lekova, tuka samo is heated in the Boleto podrace, and go to the tulikuwa vnimaniya od bolkata. In the slouch of formiae on going into the field for a bit, patientt Mauger Yes, the pie infusia on belki or a diuretic for 3 to 4 Dan. There is, and that it can be treated osteochondrosis taqui methods? These measurements of the CE itself privremeni for the tretman of reason, Mora da se avete at the Wasit to the medication.

Necessary, and that the napomene to a doctor in the tretira Nisko, in the hrbot. If you are somnevat to the CHILDREN the reason for Bolek at the Groto of the ' betot e paava to Nisko, in grbac, treba da se konsultiert by a neurologist. A new specialist the CE focuser for bolesti the new look. In some medical set CE to be fokusirani necessary that the se zanimava in particular, the bolesti a ' betot. If it Wasit clinic, there is a ' rbatt, take that, the built in prasae, the da and CE are treated to this explosion of the Vedas to him.

Electrophoresis in the treatment of degenerative disc disease neck

How to se retirait osteochondrosis of the grato in Matmata?

At the pachatata stage, razva, and who are well informed Nisko, in the hrbot without the medicine line, on quite a lot of it is that the change nachinat of ishrana-day routine, redovno svedova-woven on the specialni in the atmosphere. The napredni the formation of the bolesta efikasan tretman e-mail getting yourself, in relation to the application of the razlichni medicine line, that pomagaet, and that Adlai degenerative promeni the Presley.

In the complexat the terapeutice measurements Must you Ki Sadri fisioterapia of the electrophoresis with the medicine line, Ultrazvuk, magnetotherapy, the laserscan terapia. These methods will help, and that spravit by bolcato, vospaleniya, Swelling of the diwata, the podobrala metabolite Procesi, and the circularity kruta.

Medicine line

Glavnica methods of lacunae degenerative disc sabolova of the cervical ' RBE e-mail Remedy, fizikalna terapija, a massage in the gates, and the cleavage of the areas, especially the efikasni terapeutici in the atmosphere, with a grata of osteochondrosis. Glavnica a groupie in the medicine line that the CE corestat AJ on this bolest CE:

In a The principal of the thing
Nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory medicine line (Floats). The E voltaren, Nise, Movalis, Bechet Ketonal, Ketanov, diclofenac, nimesulide, and others Mamalove on bolcato, mamalove until the inflammation and Swelling of the ' rbutt in Osteen nerve.
Medicine line the podobrat brunata rheology, and the Protocol to the EOC. In this aminophylline, trental. Odobrava of the ahranta the estatelite nervy koreni and podobrala It to the EOC in a monocot.
B-vitamin is Is combilipen, hungama, milgamma, neurobion. Odobrava of the metabolite Procesi in nivniot wild.
The Mosconi to the opposition. In this mydocalm, sirdalud, it will be applied to northern europe, ITN. Medicine line is that the Key-obrazovat muscle spasam.
Chondroprotectors. It (glucosamine and chondroitin) artra, teraflex, doppelgerts, toadstone, Andronova, structovis, alflutop. That e droga BACK to go lie ' skavica Divo, vklucheno and ostetrica intervertebrale of the discove.

The semeato for tablette degenerative disc bolest, need to you remember As significant an effect on the perch tretman by the apcia yourself if combinatia with other equipment, vkluchay THE environment. Isto Taka treba da se napomene CHILDREN dezernat Lekar requires that You assigned to the crack-off lacouvee on bolesta VRZ Osnova to work on the stage, and the other caracteristics.